The Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) and the City of Roseville are cosponsoring a city-wide Spring Cleanup.
Join us on Saturday, June 4th in making Roseville a cleaner city! We will be bringing 20 ft. dumpsters to the Galleria overflow lot on the northeast corner of Gibson Dr. and Roseville Pkwy. Residents will be able to bring their junk to this site at NO CHARGE. Go to the following city link to get information about what are acceptable and unacceptable items to dump. http://roseville.ca.us/neighborhoodcleanup
We need volunteers for our Spring Cleanup and to help put up flyers!!! High school volunteer participation make them eligible to apply for RCONA Scholarships for the class of 2023 and beyond.
**Water and lunch will be provided for volunteers**
What will volunteers do:
● Direct traffic to the actual dumping bins–keep the lines organized.
● Check that participants can show Roseville address identification (driver’s license or Roseville Utility bill). This event is being paid for by the City of Roseville and only Roseville residents may participate in this service.
● Make sure participants have reviewed the signage posted on-site or flyers/info for items not allowed for dumping.
● When needed, assist with unloading into dumpsters, especially for senior citizens. A volunteer waiver form will be required of all volunteers. All minors must have a waiver form signed by a parent. Request a form at treasure@rcona.org
The date is SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH. The shifts are: 8:00 – 10:30 a.m., 10:30 – 1:00 p.m., or 1 – 3:30 p.m. If a volunteer would like to work multiple shifts on a day, that would even be better!! We need help!
QUESTIONS?? Please contact: Jay Kinney (559-970-7089 | jayk1682@gmail.com) or Sonya McPhaul (sfmcphaul@gmail.com)